Is there a problem with SuiteCRM on Ubuntu 17.10 with current (2017/11/06) upgrades?
When I first upgraded my Ubuntu/SuiteCRM system from 17.04 to 17.10 everything seemed to work fine. The system is seldom used (new businesses, just getting into CRM) but everything looked good to me as an admin. This week, many things broke. I think the issues started with php was upgraded from 7.0 to 7.1. The initial symptom was that php was not being processed properly: index.php did not load SugarCRM so SuiteCRM didn’t run either, and the last two lines of the php code were displayed in the browser window. I got that fixed by doing a clean installation of php 7.1 (remove 7,0, install 7.1 with mysql, cgi, mbstring, etc., modules, copy php.ini files from /etc/php/7.0 to /etc/php/7.1). Then, however, most displays within the app (Accounts, Contacts, etc.) showed an error window and no data was displayed. This could have been because of an upgrade to mysql that affected security settings.
Anyway, from the now non-functional 17.10, I exported the SuiteCRM schema, rolled the system back to a backup that I knew was completely stable (August, 2017). I verified that SuiteCRM was functioning perfectly and upgraded it to 7.9.7. Again, I verified that everything was working, albeit without any db changes since August. I applied 3 months of ubuntu 17.04 upgrades (156 packages upgraded). SuteCRM was still working perfectly, but still without the changes since August. I then imported the November SuiteCRM schema. SuiteCRM is still working perfectly, but now with the updates since August. I ran a SuiteCRM repair to check the DB and everything looks good.
So, my question is: is there a problem with SuiteCRM on Ubuntu 17.10 with the latest (20171106) updates to php and mysql? If so, this does not bode well when 1804 is released as the next LTS version of Ubuntu.