regarding the capacity field of the FP_Event_Locations module, we understand that this field indicates the number of people that can attend an event location and we believe that if it were of an integer type, it would have the advantage of being able to perform a dynamic search by range.
What are the reasons for the varchar type? Do you intend to indicate whether the attendees are adults, children, or something else indicated by text?
On the other hand, we have tried to change its type to integer and to activate the search by range from studio resulting in the vardef the following settings
$dictionary['FP_Event_Locations']['fields']['capacity']['type'] = 'int';
$dictionary['FP_Event_Locations']['fields']['capacity']['enable_range_search'] = 1;
$dictionary['FP_Event_Locations']['fields']['capacity']['options'] = 'numeric_range_search_dom';
However, in the basic and advanced search views it does not show the search by range functionality. Is it necessary to indicate something else?
Thanks in advance