Twitter OAuth Error with Regular Users


I’m getting this error message when “regular” users login:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthToken in /var/www/suitecrm/custom/include/social/twitter/twitter_auth/twitteroauth/OAuth.php on line 27

To fix this I’m simply making them system administrators - which (for obvious reasons) I don’t want to do. Any assistance would be highly appreciated, thanks.

Hi kagbasi,

What version of SuiteCRM are you running? This has been fixed in the 7.1.2 bug fix release.



Thanks for the response Will. I’m running Version 7.1.1 Sugar Version 6.5.16 (Build 1082). Where do I get the latest update as the downloads page doesn’t list v7.1.2?

Hi kagbasi,

7.1.2 hasn’t been officially released but the release is imminent and features many bug fixes on 7.1.1.



You can solve this by cheeking class exist or not ?

so do wrapping like this

if ( !class_exists ( 'OAuthToken' ) ) {

[class definition goes here...]


Do repair Rebuild And logout .

This should have already been resolved as SuiteCRM is now on version 7.1.5.