Translation of dropdowns

I would like to export all my dropdown-values (so I can create tables that include all database keys and all labels).
So far I’m ok with using:

$my_label = translate(“my_list”, “”, “key1”); // returns “my english label”

$my_label contains the proper label for option “key1”. But: I have multiple languages installed, and I cannot get any other translation than the english one. I tried to override the used language with

$_REQUEST[‘login_language’] = $language; // $language is e.g. “fr_FR”
$my_label = translate(“my_list”, “”,“key1”); // still returns “my english label”, expected “my french label”

for regular labels (e.g. field labels), I found a working solution. Dropdowns seem to be different, would be nice if someone could help me out here.

thank you in advance!

sorry, as so often: I just found the solution here

ty @p.konetskiy!

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