To disable required create account when converting a lead

When Convert a Lead to a Contact, both the Contact and Account are required, is there a way to disable the Account when converting a Lead to a Contact so only the Contact will be created?

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This does not work
Can someone help me?

answering my own question:

I’m not seeing “Lead convert” within Admin > Studio > Leads > Layouts

Link was broken so here it is again:

Convert lead layout does not appear on studio when I try to disable account requirement on lead conversion

As Shijin indicated, the Lead convert page isn’t available in Sugar CE. Do we have this functionality built into SuiteCRM somewhere short of editing the code or configuration files? Thanks.

Currently using:

Version 7.6.4
Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061)

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Hi all,
This worked for me; quoting info from Sugar Community boards just in case it goes away (copying procedure from the aforementioned link:

Hi there,

  1. Go to your SuiteCRM installation folder
  2. Create a custom version of the convertion definitions: Copy modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php to custom/modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php
    and make the following changes in the latter file
    $viewdefs['Accounts']['ConvertLead'] = array(
    'copyData' => true,
    'required' => false,
    by default it will be 'required' => true
  3. You may also want to un-check the box by default with:
    'default_action' => '',
    in the same definitions array.

Hope this helps!


Great post, works perfectly!

Hi guys!
I’m a user of Sugar CRM - not IT specialist - and I have a problem with doing this by my own. Could you help me?
I want to copy modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php to custom/modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php but I cannot see nothing in the custom folder except the Modules & Extensions folders which are empty. Check the printscreen please.
How Can I do this?

And the second print screen

You should simply create all the missing subdirectories. Pay attention to the lower and upper case letters, it’s case-sensitive.

Hello again,
I did everything you wrote but without any results.
Do you know why is that? What can I do wrong?
I’ve created missing subdirectories with attention to luwer and upper case letteers and I changed true into false and so on…

Did you remember to do a QR&R?

That’s Admin / Repairs / Quick Repair and Rebuild

Create the folders in the target custom/modules/ directory first (create the Leads folder first, then the metadata folder [inside the Leads folder]).
Then copy the modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php file to custom/modules/Leads/metadata

I’d also check permissions in the folders and files to be for the user running the HTTP server.

Hope this helps