I have done multiple fresh installs and continue to have the same problem.
Suitecrm docker with a mariadb docker db.
Every tab within scrm main menu errors out when I select ‘Home’ in each of those menu lists, for every tab. All other menu selects work fine.
I have googled and searched the forum and actioned the suggestions of disabling ajax for the tab as well as checking my file permissions.
I’d apprecaite any assistance I can get please
Edit: I have gone into Ajax settings and added ‘Home’ to the list of disabled modules, but now nothing is displayed when selecting ‘Home’ is this correct or should ‘Home’ display something? Thanks
These look all twitter related, which I have not configured yet.
Only issue in the suitecrm log is relating to not being able to send out my 2fa email, as I have locked myself out enabling 2fa. Expected a qr code, but instead it looged me out.
You can see in Admin / Connectors / Enable Connector if disabling Twitter and others solves your problem. Something seems to be broken about your connectors…
Thanks pgr, I will go and try and do some configuring and disabling modules I do not need and see if I need to come back for some help later with some useful logs.