Text Field default value as an expression? And

Hi All,

Just wondering if it is possible to have a text field default to an expression?

I.E - when entering call notes, I would like the field to automatically paste in today’s date and time, even though the staff will be free to change and edit at will, it saves a manual entry. (I know the call is logged with this info seperately, but we work in five different time zones, so it is important that there is also a manual record).

Also, when using the ‘log call’ activitiy, can we set a few default options?

‘Log NA’ would log a call for current date and time that would record as not answered.
‘Log Disco’ would log a call that the number is disconnected.

Some standard responses that a rep making tens of calls a day might come across, to save effort (reps are terrible enough at paperwork as it is).

Thank in advance. And kudos to the devs on a great product.