Task/case updates and group user's emails


  1. After any changes of tasks or cases (adding of solution, update, status), no messages sended on email.
  2. any user can see group user’s emails in email module as he is owner.

How to fix it?

For issue 2 try running Repair Roles from the admin repair menu

For issue 1 could you confirm if this has ever worked for you?

Hello Mac-Rae.
For issuie 2 I found out that user can’t see group user’s emails if he will set up his own email. But if he will remove it, will see group user’s emails again. =(

For issue 1 tasks/cases updates - it just first time when I tryed them.

What versions we using @chart41?


rpm -qa | grep :

php 7.4.7-1
mariadb 10.3.17-1
nginx 1.14.1-9

CentOS Linux release 8.2.2004

I can reinstall it all with your recommendations

So. How can i fix it? I can send you any of files if it would help to resolve it.

You can start by downgrading to a PHP version that is supported by SuiteCRM:

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