Tables are not gettting created when creating custom module?


i am trying to create a new custom module. The module creates fine and i can deploy the package just fine.

But when I try to enter into the entry mask and save try to save an error occors.

Fri Jun 3 07:39:19 2016 [25215][1][FATAL] assigned_user_link for builp_buildingpipeline_assigned_user failed to load

Fri Jun 3 07:39:19 2016 [25215][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT , builp_buildingpipeline.assigned_user_id , , builp_buildingpipeline.billing_address_city , builp_buildingpipeline.phone_office , builp_buildingpipeline.created_by FROM builp_buildingpipeline where builp_buildingpipeline.deleted=0 ORDER BY builp_buildingpipeline.date_entered DESC LIMIT 0,21: MySQL error 1146: Table ‘bitnami_suitecrm.builp_buildingpipeline’ doesn’t exist
Fri Jun 3 07:41:25 2016 [25217][1][FATAL] Error inserting into table: builp_buildingpipeline: Query Failed: INSERT INTO builp_buildingpipeline (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,description,deleted,assigned_user_id,builp_buildingpipeline_type,industry,phone_fax,billing_address_street,billing_address_city,billing_address_state,billing_address_postalcode,billing_address_country,rating,phone_office,phone_alternate,website,employees,ticker_symbol,shipping_address_street,shipping_address_city,shipping_address_state,shipping_address_postalcode,shipping_address_country,nla,buildingphoto)
VALUES (‘aa534e36-f0fe-7238-2b59-57519705b4fe’,‘test’,‘2016-06-03 14:41:25’,‘2016-06-03 14:41:25’,‘1’,‘1’,’’,0,‘1’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,‘http://’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,’’,0,’’): MySQL error 1146: Table ‘bitnami_suitecrm.builp_buildingpipeline’ doesn’t exist

Looks like the table does not get created in the MYSQL database on deploy?

I checked the database permissions and they look fine.

would realy apriciate if somebody could help


Have you tried doing a repair and rebuild? If you do it should list any tables that you are missing and provide you with a button that allows you to execute the required db queries to add the missing tables.

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Thanks, mate! That was it. Thanks for your help with this. Much appriciated. Now i can continue building…