SuiteCRM is not browsing on 443 on top of WAMP/Windows Server

Dears Experts,

We are having enabling the SSL for the SuiteCRM Installation. We have the following Scenario:

  1. Windows Server 2019
  2. WAMP 64bit
  3. On top of WAMP layer, we are running SuiteCRM *Version 7.10.25 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)


We have generated the OpenSSL Certificate .pem and .key files and Enabled Apache for SSL. Apache is Listening on 443 (Tested by Telnet IP 443) and working just fine…

But the SuiteCRM is still Browsing only on Port 80 not browsing on 443

We have searched a lot of forums, but could not find proper solution.
Any help is highly Appreciated please…

Thanks & Regards,

I’m not sure if this is the solution but check if you are forwarding all trafic to https in your .htaccess