SuiteCRM email setup!

Please anyone can help me with this issue!

An email error occurred:SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to serverSMTP server error: Failed to connect to server SMTP code: 111 Additional SMTP info: Connection refused

Setting up email is one of the hardest things in SuiteCRM! (It shouldn’t be but it is). There are so many different scenarios.

Let’s start with the basics, I’ll try my best to point you in the right direction …

What version are you on?

What email service are you using?

What hosting are you using?

I am using Version 8.3.1
I am using Microsoft 365
I am using Godaddy hosting.
Thank you

Ok, I’m not sure if that is possible. Microsoft office requires Oauth now. This requires you to have access to the full Azure backend to be able to configure the email. You can’t just enter a username and password anymore.

I’ve been off Godaddy O365 for a while now so not sure exactly what they have configured. They used to have a feature to disable Oauth for SMTP or IMAP in the settings. If they still have that, you could get it going. If not you have to follow the instructions here for Oauth setup. … It’s extremely difficult.

(Again if you have O365 with Godaddy I’m not sure you have access to this)