SuiteCRM cache issue for records and quotes?

Hey guys! I mentioned I had a problem a few days back, and I thought it was a local issue on Chrome, but I realized all our employees have the same issue.

Something is causing a conflict that causes some kind of a cache issue (or something else) that makes the values preselect to 1, without being selected. This means no exporting of records. Another more serious bug is when exporting quotes, the line items aren’t included.

If I clear the Google Chrome cache, and/or typically do a Google Chrome system repair, it will resolve the issue. So while I thought it was local to my computer/browser/version, all employees have this issue.

Any ideas, outside of not using Chrome for SuiteCRM?

Version 7.2.1
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

Chrome Version 41.0.2272.89 m (other employees may be different)