Hi, I’ve been trying to do the Azure-SuiteCRM integration but it gives me a cyclical login error. Any idea what may be failing. Thank you very much
Hi @bpuentesr,
Just as you have no idea on what’s happening, we don’t know either. You need to provide more details. Check your Server and SuiteCRM logs for clues.
Hi BrozTechnologies thanks for answering,
I have checked the suite logs and I see that there is an authentication error, but the strange thing is that it does not show a sign pointing out the error and what it really does is continually try to keep authenticating.
There are 2 parameters in the process that I am not completely sure if they are like this:
Login URL: … /index.php?Action=Login&module=Users
Response URL: … /index.php?Module=Home&action=index
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Best regards.