SuiteCRM 8 Contacts not showing in History list

I have a problem with SuiteCRM 8.4: Entries in the History list are not showing:

In SuiteCRM 7.12 the same entries would show as follows:

Any help how I could fix this issue would be highly appreciated!

Is that 8.4.2?

Try it on the online demo of v8

It is Version 8.4.1.

I have tried it on the online demo of V8 and there contacts are showing for other activities, but not for E-Mail messages:

I am not sure, but I think this is fixed on 8.4.2 (as in the demo).

Maybe there’s a different reason why the Email messages rows don’t show the field, for example, the relationship isn’t there in the database.

It seems that it is not working for E-mails in the demo either: I have tried to assign a contact to the E-mail, but is is still not showing.

I would advise to keep these two things entirely separate:

  1. a relationship exists in the database but it does not display correctly on a List view
  2. a relationship should have been created in the DB, but wasn’t, for some reason

I think 1. was solved in 8.4.2.

I don’t know if 2. is happening, but I would love someone to check, if they’re able to look inside the DB