SuiteCRM 8.7 : Adding Panel/Tab Display Logic

Hello there,

I’m struggling to implement a panel/tab display logic, as described in the documentation : Adding Panel/Tab Display Logic :: SuiteCRM Documentation

Actually it works as expected when I follow the documentation : my tab is only showing up when a dropdown does contain a specific value.
The problem is that the customization disappears as soon as I edit the detail/edit view through the Studio. The file “public/legacy/custom/modules/Contacts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php”, where the custom code stands, is completely rewritten each time the view is deployed through the Studio.

I wonder if I’ve missed something, maybe there is a possibility to use "custom/Extension/ " folder to make this kind of customization more resilient. Any clue, someone?
I’d rather avoid to use js customization here if possible.

Kind Regards,


You can try this method,

Thank you @Harshad , it works like a charm !