Hi all,
I have installed SuiteCrm last stable Version 7.8.5 (
Sugar Versione 6.5.24 (Build 509)) and then following packages:
but while kreporter works normally I get an error adding a kreport dashlet on the homepage dashboard:
I have created a simple report and activate the publish option as presentation and visualization too.
Then when I try add the report dashlet in any of two modes and I receive this error from console and can’t select any report (view image below):
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘options’ of null (KReportDashlets.js:13)
Looks like at this point i get the error because b.dashlet object in json retrieved from https://suitecrm.xxxx/KREST/KReporter/plugins/action/kpublishing/getDashletData is empty and in KReportDashlets.js:13
method: "POST",
url: "KREST/KReporter/plugins/action/kpublishing/getDashletData",
params: {
dashletid: this.dashletID
success: function(a) {
var b = Ext.decode(a.responseText);
b.dashlet.options.title .....
{“dashlet”:null,“reports”:[{“id”:“1713270c-a384-4e6f-ad8f-01757c991a80”,“name”:“new Report”},{“id”:“10a54c83-2f84-4b55-b6fe-4be64c8499c5”,“name”:“Test Report for Home”}],“filters”:[]}
It looks like public/modules/KReports/Plugins/Integration/kpublishing/controller/pluginkpublishingcontroller.php
the method action_getDashletData return no dashlet data because $current_user global variable is empty and so when
global $current_user, $db;
$dashlets = $current_user->getPreference('dashlets', 'Home');
therefore dashlet is always null
Any one faced with the same issue?
Kind Regards