SuiteCRM 7.11.0 Released

We are happy to announce another major release of SuiteCRM – 7.11.0!

This version is jam packed with bug fixes and community contributions. SuiteCRM 7.11.0 has several changes, including security fixes, and a number of new feature enhancements. When updating we always strongly recommended that you take a backup of the database before upgrading. To help us make this the best release so far please continue to contribute via the forums and the SuiteCRM repo. Everyone’s contribution is most welcome!

New Enhancements


What is Elasticsearch and what does it mean for SuiteCRM? Elasticsearch is an open-source, broadly-distributable, readily-scalable, enterprise-grade RESTful search engine. It provides a highly flexible solution to centrally store and index your data that can be accessed extremely quickly via its API. By including Elasticsearch as a core search engine integration SuiteCRM will now provide users a faster and better scalable way to perform full text searhes via Global Search on larger data volumes than before.
Checkout the Elasticsearch section on the documentation site for more information!

Google Calendar synchronisation

Google Suite integration is a very common request made by the users of SuiteCRM. Thanks to the generosity of one of our talented community members we now have the ability to include bidirectional Google Calendar synchronisation within core SuiteCRM. Users can authenticate using their Google login and synchronise their Meetings with a Google calendar – these include updates, reminders, and invitees.
Read up more in the Google Calendar section of our documentation site.

Generate chart colours based on labels

This makes it easier for users to identify the same labels across modules on reports by referencing a universal colour e.g. different reports on dashboard using the same dropdown labels and associated colours.
Another Community Contribution thanks to gunnicom!

And here’s something for the developers…

Insert module vardefs or custom data directly into the DOM

Thanks again to contributions made by our SuiteCRM community, developers have a new function in the SugarView to call for vardefs of a particular module and insert it or custom data into the SUGAR global view of the page!
This will help developers utilise the vardefs more easily for more complex customisations or integrations.

Integrate custom Search Engines

Integrating Elasticsearch gave us the opportunity to re-factor the legacy Search framework to facilitate a more modular approach. This will enable better integration with other search engines within SuiteCRM and for the administrator to select the default search engine.

Automate task for cleaning cache directory via Robo

We have used RoboTasks to further increase productivity when developing in SuiteCRM by incorporating a script to clear the SuiteCRM cache via the command line.
Thanks again to Abuelodelanada for their contribution!
You can check more enhancements and the full list of bug fixes in our Release Notes here.

LTS update…

Some members of the community have been asking about the latest LTS? To help clarify this we will be labelling 7.10.x as the latest LTS. 7.8.x LTS will be coming to the end of its support life which is scheduled for June 2019.


I don’t see the download link to upgrade from 7.11 RC2?

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The links on the main download page have been updated. Let me know if you encounter any more issues.

The link for 7.10.X-TO-7.11.0 is protected

Got this message when I want to download :

You are not authorised to view this resource.