SuiteCRM 7.10.3 Maintenance Patch Now Available

I always just perform a cp -r from the entire folder and a database dump. Much faster ánd safer.

I do the same, before installing any new update:

  1. DB dump by phpMyAdmin

  2. Backup copy of the whole SuiteCRM folder. Only difference, I use rsync:

rsync -Aax /opt/SuiteCRM/ /Backup/SuiteCRM-`date +"%Y%m%d"`/

/opt/ is the folder where my SuiteCRM resides
/Backup is the mounting point of a backup drive

Please note that you DO NOT HAVE to use the same rsync command in case you decide to make a second backup on the same day, as it will overwrite the previous one. This can be fixed by changing the suffix generated by date +"%Y%m%d" (i.e. 20180409 if made today) but that’s beyond my necessity for a quick backup of the SuiteCRM folder.