SuiteCRM 7.1.8 can not update apportunity module fields

I have problem.
I upgraded sugarcrm 6.4.5 to sugarcrm 6.5.15 and migrate to suitecrm 7.1.8. I repair “Quick Repair and Rebuild” and “Rebuild Relationships”.
Now, whenever I create apportunity, it successfully created, but when I want to update it, it shows me this error: “Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.”
When I look into log file it says: “MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=NULL”
How to resolve this issue?

Additionally, when I click on the " Repair Inbound Email Accounts" in repair, it is just loading and do nothing, no responce.

Below is my log file:

Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][INFO] Query:UPDATE opportunities_cstm SET hoehe_der_verkaufschance_c=‘Mittel_100_500’ ,zielgruppe_c=‘Sonstige’ ,jjwg_maps_lng_c=NULL ,jjwg_maps_lat_c=NULL ,jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c=’’ ,jjwg_maps_address_c=’’ WHERE id_c=‘1c9d59ff-4292-6005-d0a6-54fdaab5ae7f’
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00018000602722168
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][DEPRECATED] SugarBean.php: preprocess_fields_on_save() is deprecated
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][INFO] Query:UPDATE opportunities
SET name=‘Endkunde’,date_modified=‘2016-05-25 13:09:15’,modified_user_id=‘1’,created_by=‘72fd03bb-5f4d-168d-192e-4ff2b8f0170e’,description=‘this is my descriptions ‘,assigned_user_id=‘72fd03bb-5f4d-168d-192e-4ff2b8f0170e’,opportunity_type=NULL,campaign_id=’’,lead_source=NULL,amount=0,amount_usdollar=0,currency_id=’-99’,date_closed=‘2016-06-30’,next_step=NULL,sales_stage=‘Negotiation/Review’,probability=80,=NULL
WHERE = ‘1c9d59ff-4292-6005-d0a6-54fdaab5ae7f’ AND deleted=0
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00012898445129395
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][FATAL] Error updating table: opportunities: Query Failed: UPDATE opportunities
SET name=‘Endkunde’,date_modified=‘2016-05-25 13:09:15’,modified_user_id=‘1’,created_by=‘72fd03bb-5f4d-168d-192e-4ff2b8f0170e’,description=‘this is my descriptions ‘,assigned_user_id=‘72fd03bb-5f4d-168d-192e-4ff2b8f0170e’,opportunity_type=NULL,campaign_id=’’,lead_source=NULL,amount=0,amount_usdollar=0,currency_id=’-99’,date_closed=‘2016-06-30’,next_step=NULL,sales_stage=‘Negotiation/Review’,probability=80,=NULL
WHERE = ‘1c9d59ff-4292-6005-d0a6-54fdaab5ae7f’ AND deleted=0: MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘=NULL
WHERE = ‘1c9d59ff-4292-6005-d0a6-54fdaab5ae7f’ AND’ at line 2
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::server_round_trip
Wed May 25 15:09:15 2016 [10533][1][DEBUG] Calling MySQLi::disconnect()
Wed May 25 15:09:33 2016 [8787][1][INFO] Couldn’t connect to mail server id: 695e6870-01e6-6ed5-9f46-4ff448aba78e