Suite 7.1 Beta 2 Install Issues

Ran into a number of display errors while installing the new beta. It appears to be permission related. I was able to work through, but wanted to post for others. My installation sequence was:

  1. Unzip into directory
  2. Move * from the SuiteCRM directory to my web root
  3. Make the cache directory
  4. Run the 2 chown commands:
    chmod -R 755 . and
    chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
  5. Install
  6. Saw some other missing things (Admin tools stopped at Developer Tools)
  7. Ran all of the diagnostic & repair options
  8. Things seem relatively happy.

Without this sequence, installation had more major issues.

Hi Mike,

Please ensure you set the recommended permissions on the directory before performing the install:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

This varies dependant on your flavour, for example the CentOS owner is apache:apache



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Thanks Will,

I’m good for now, I had to run the chmod’s both before and after the install. In fact, I opened up the permissions more you suggested. I was running into issues installing modules, and a chmod -R fixed it.

Note: I’m running on dreamhost, so my setup maybe different than most.