Ok sure Thanks for support
https://paste.pics/2967686e7befe5a83f749366c578e067 see this by setting the permission its not even installing now what to do ?
Looks like this command was missed out. These folders are required to be more open therefore allowing them to communicate with the host
Can you send a screenshot of the permission of the root directory from cpanel again
Sir seriously i don’t know what is happening but this is very depressing again i setup a new system as per your permissions but with these permissions its not installing even.
Rest all modules sub-panels are working fine only contacts sub panel is not working which i needed.
2 questions for you. What version of the CRM was this and could you run the following command on the local directory (One you had before you zipped) and send me the file that is created on the current users desktop called output.txt;
ls -lha /opt/lampp/htdocs/namitcrm/*/* >> ~/Desktop/output.txt
ok let me do this for you.
Are we 100% sure the web server user name is www-data
on this installation?
This can be checked by going in Admin / Schedulers, the crontab command listed in the bottom includes the web server user name.
I am using xampp so here it is htdocs no www-data folder i am talking about localhost
I am not talking about folders. I am talking about Linux users.
In Admin / Schedulers, what exactly are the instructions printed below the table, please?
In order to run SuiteCRM Schedulers, edit your web server user’s crontab file with this command:
sudo crontab -e -u k0j8ug9stvck
… and add the following line to the crontab file:
*** * * * * cd /home/k0j8ug9stvck/public_html/namit/suitecrm; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1**
This is printed below tables
Then try with that username:
sudo chown -R k0j8ug9stvck .
then run a quick repair and rebuild and check your system’s health.
But where should i run this command in cpanel ?
If it’s Cpanel, you don’t run the command. But what did you do before to assign the www-data
ownership? You can do that now to assign the correct user.
Think @pgr right on this one, do as you did before by setting the permission and ownership before zipping and uploading
Let me know if you have any issues
Sir let me clear the scenario .
Scenario 1: Let say i create the new setup and give permission according to you that all 775 and 755 fine. This will work not work even installing time in localhost
Scenario 2: Now when i want to upload this system in cpanel first of all i was not able to create zip just because of permissions so i have to change all the permissions to 777 so that i can create zip and upload it in cpanel . I hope both the scenarios is clear
Now what’s the solution sir ?
Don’t think of permissions as something separate from user ownership. They go together and work together.
The correct user that should own your files is “the user under which your web server is running”. If this is different in your local set up than in your hosted set up, then you need different ownership commands when setting things up on each side.
It is beyond the scope of our support here to figure out how each of your servers is set up, and provide basic operating system support to ensure your files are writeable. We’re doing the best we can but I think you should also seek some local advice by someone with more technical knowledge about this. This is soooo much easier when we’re sitting at the computer giving commands.