Structure multiples

I have to design a setup where I have a nested structure:

  1. Associations (accounts?)
  2. Leagues (accounts?)
  3. Divisions (accounts?)
  4. Teams (accounts?)
  5. Players (contacts?)
  6. Prospective players (Leads?)

Does anyone have an idea of how best to start this?
Copy an account table structure multiples and link?

I guess you would think about it as a corporation with several subsidiaries deep

You can create your custom modules with Studio.

Check documentation here:



I would first try to “flatten” that structure by making some of those levels simple fields, instead of modules. For example, if you don’t need to store too much information about a league, you can make that a simple drop-down you select as a field in “Team”.

Then have a look at this post which explains subaccounts:

You might have to fix some of the limitations of the sub-accounts scheme in order to be able to work with it.