Strict Standard errors after install suite crm


I am beginner to SUITECRM. I had installed SUITECRM 7.1 With following configuration on wamp server.

  1. php 5.4
  2. mysql 5.6
  3. Apache 2.4

but after installing this when I go to index.php page it shows some strict standard errors on browser screen.

e.g. Strict standards: Declaration of Person::create_export_query() should be compatible with SugarBean::create_export_query($order_by, $where) in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM-7.1.1\suitecrm7.1.1\include\SugarObjects\templates\person\Person.php on line 41.

Please Find Image for these errors below.

Please Help Me.

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Jain

Hi there,

This is related to your PHP version. You can modify your error reporting so that Strict Standard errors are not displayed. Alternatively, you could downgrade although modifying your error reporting should resolve your issues.

