Spanish Translation

I would like to translate suitecrm into spanish.

The attached spanish language file for sugarcrm ce 6.5.15 allready has the entire translation for the core sugarcrm installation.

How could I cross reference the file with the suitecrm installation in order to translate just the suitecrm added functionality?

Thank you very much.

Hi vicman,

Someone is already working on a Spanish translation which can be seen on our SuiteCRM Repository.



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Thanks for the quick reply.

How can I check the progress of the translation, or how can I contribute?

I only found the spanish translation for the php mailer and nothing else.

Is this the main language file?

SuiteCRM / include / language / en_us.lang.php


Hi vicman,

If you navigate to the project and click the number beside fork this will show you all current action/contributions that are currently being made to the project.



I found the language files per include/module folder

Do have to copy each file into its corresponding folder?

Thank you.

Hi vicman,

Yes that is correct.



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I copied every file to its corresponding folder, but how do I intall it. The language module in the admin section does not show spanish as an option.

@VICMAN I have an spanish translation from SugarCRM (80-90% completed) that I’ve installed in SuiteCRM without problems I can send it, if you want.

There is one problem with Actions in Home Menu (Inicio): Add Dashlet is not present. :frowning:

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Thank you for your reply.

There is a fully working translated version courtesy of Jorge Obeaga that can be found here:

The only problem I found is the + menu on the top right corner does not get translated. Besides that every module is ok.