Some issues in instance - need advice to fix them


I have suitecrm instance with my package with different modules.

I have below issues and need advice to fix them.

[1]. I see “undefined” message when page loads in different module listview and home page.
[2]. Training Module has data from not showing in Dashlet on Home Page.I have unchecked option “Only My Items”
[3]. In Jobs module sub-panel when I see “Create” button overlap on select button. Therefore I have to first click on create then cancel it.
Then I am able to select records from popup of another module.

My instance login details as follow.

URL =>
Username : admin
Password : admin@123

Any advice on above issues appreciated.

Also Add File button to attach screen shot to this post not working at my end on Opera Browser and Ubuntu 16.04

Best Regards,

The “undefined” labels are usually a sign of incorrect file permissions. This breaks SuiteCRM in many ways, the missing labels are only the most visible.

Check your permissions and try to get rid of those, before you try to fix anything else.


What are the permissions need to give to files and folder to fix “undefined” issue.

I think 755 to folder and 644 to files recursive require. Please advice. (recursive mean each file in sub-folder.)


Any advice on point 2 and 3

Best Regards,

Those numbers, but themselves, don’t mean much. Linux permissions are a cross between 3 things:

  • the user who owns the file or directory
  • the permissions assigned to it
  • the user who owns the process trying to access them

The recommended ownerships/permissions for SuiteCRM are

    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
    sudo chmod -R 755 .
    sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php 

… if your web server’s user is “www-data”. If it’s not, you have to adapt that first command.

If you go in Admin / Schedulers, at the bottom there are instructions to set up the cron jobs, and they include the user name of your web server.

Many thanks for detail information.

I will update permissions to fix the issue . I have web hosting account on with Cent OS as operating system.

Best Regards,


My 3 issues mention above are fixed by giving 755 permission to files and folders on linux server.

Many thanks for support.

Best Regards,