Hi There,
I had written a simple contact creation soap call and it was working perfectly for the previous version of the SuiteCRM. But now though the get_entry_list is getting called and returning good values. There is some issue with the Set Entry Calls. Below is the code.
function check_contacts($vars){
//echo "check if the same email address contact exist or not?";
echo "<pre>";
$query = "contacts.id in (
SELECT eabr.bean_id
FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr JOIN email_addresses ea
ON (ea.id = eabr.email_address_id)
WHERE eabr.deleted=0 AND ea.email_address = '".$vars['email']."')";
$result = $this->client->get_entry_list($this->session_id,'Contacts',$query,'',0,array(),10,-1);
$contact_id = '';
if($result->result_count == 0){
//create a contact
$con_set_entry_array = array(
array('name' => 'first_name' ,'value' => $vars['firstname']),
array('name' => 'last_name' ,'value' => $vars['lastname']),
array('name' => 'email1' ,'value' => $vars['email']),
/*array('name' => 'phone_work' , 'value' => $vars['phone']),
array('name' => 'primary_address_postalcode' , 'value' => $vars['postalcode']),
array('name' => 'primary_address_street' , 'value' => $vars['address']),
array('name' => 'primary_address_country', 'value' => $vars['country']),
array('name' => 'primary_address_state', 'value' => $vars['town']),*/
$response = $this->client->set_entry($this->session_id, 'Contacts', $con_set_entry_array);
$contact_id = $response->id;
$contact_id = $result->entry_list[0]->id;
The error I am getting is
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [-1] Unknown error in SOAP call: service died unexpectedly (the line no. pointing towards set_entry function)
Any Help would be appreciated.
With Regards,
Arun Chauhan