[sigh] After upgrade from 7.9.7 -> 7.9.10 = user email disappeared

I had a fully working version of 7.9.7. Working so well I had my assistant actually start to use it for work.

I updated to the latest 7.9.10 and now all the user emails are gone.

The email associated with specific leads are still accessible at [Leads->History] but when you go to “Collaboration->Emails”, there is a blank page with "You currently have no records saved. CREATE or Import one now.” Before the upgrade the page would show over 50 emails.

When the Admin user logs in and goes to “Collaboration->Emails” the emails show up.

I’ve done all the usual things, fix permissions, repair everything, yada yada but still the issue persists.

Again, before the upgrade everything was fine. There has been no change to the server or any of the files.

Any idea what’s causing this?

What do you see in your logs (both suitecrm.log and php_errors.log) when the user tries to see email and nothing appears?

Could this be just an issue of reconfiguring email accounts? Should these emails be on the email server, or were they imported into SuiteCRM and linked to records?

no the emails are on the server

totally normal operation on 7.9.7

You didn’t answer about the logs.

I would check (or re-do) inbound email configurations…