Show User According To Role

Thanks pgr, Its quite helping for me.

array (
          0 =>
          array (
            'name' =>'csr_c',
            'studio' =>  'visible',
            'label' =>  'LBL_CSR',		
			  'displayParams' => 
         array (
           'initial_filter' => '&id_advanced=742a7f4c-681b-e558-9858-5e29a48b0a9e',	  
          1 => '',

I have role_id for CSR in acl_roles_users table from their I can get user_id then I might be able to perform joining operation in users modules. Then I think i can get id of user for ‘initial_filter’ . If I use entrypoint then how my entrypoint will run automatically.? I don’t want to run scheduler/conejob. Is there is another way to get dynamically userid for 'initial_filter' => '&id_advanced=$id',