Set automatic workflows

reading maybe I can solve my problem with workflows, who can help me?
I need to update a field in Leads (lucadc_c) that takes the event start dates.

I attach the screen of my workflow, who can help me?

You donā€™ say what happened. Did it work?

prg iā€™m desperate, it doesnā€™t work, iā€™d rather do it with hooks but i canā€™t in any way

Iā€™ve seen your other posts, and there is a reason why youā€™re not getting answersā€¦ your posts are incomplete, you donā€™t give sufficient information, and when people ask for it (see above) you still donā€™t add anything relevantā€¦

Please see this topic:

I am here to help, but you need to help us help you :wink:

as required use:
Centos 7
PHP 7.3.11
thank you all