Send Email template to a List of Customers if status of them is registered

I want to send an Email to all Couriers and not to just one. That is my Problem.

Is there anyone who has already resolved such a case??

@Pigozzo there’s no point in keeping asking the same question “can’t anybody help?”, your thread is very visible on the forums, it’s been on top of the thread list for days, it has 22 replies… if anybody else wanted to contribute, they’d be here already.

Unfortunately, there often are no replies, and especially when people are asking for complex code solutions to fit exactly their needs, I don’t usually see anybody helping - they just don’t have the time.

Sending out 1000 emails is tougher than it might sound. It involves a lot of code, has to done outside a normal HTTP request (it can take hours to complete!), and generates a number of different responses that you need to be able to handle coherently (bounces, errors, etc).

So I’m coming to the conclusion that what you should really be looking at are Campaigns. That is the SuiteCRM concept for sending out mass emails. You probably don’t even need anything automatic between the “Load” creation and the start of the emails - you can make that a 2-step manual procedure. Where you really need the automation is to iterate the 1000 addresses.

Get your “Load Board” addresses onto a Target List, explore Campaigns, you’ll probably want to use Tracker URLs so that people can reply “yes” or “no” by simply clicking a link.

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Ok , I will try with the Campaign Module. Thanks

Hi pgr,

I am getting this Problem when I try to add my custom Module (Couriers) into a Target List:

And I can not go to “bulk an action” and add the Couriers directly into the Target List.

I thought this Solution: Could be better in my case to put all Couriers Contacts into the “Targets” Module and rename the “Targets” Module to “Couriers”? As I have to make marketing with Couriers offering them my Loads and with Customers (Company who have Loads) I don not really know if it could be a good solution.

I try to avoid custom modules, and use the basic modules whenever I can, like Contacts, Accounts, because they much better connected to the other functions in the CRM.

I mention some of those strategies here

So your suggestion seems to be in the right direction. Pick one of the existing modules to use with Target Lists. Those modules have an “order”, in terms of commitment of that person

  • Accounts are normally entities (companies), they can contain other Accounts, and they can contain Contacts
  • Contacts are your top person entity, the people most important/most commited to your business, typically customers
  • Leads are less committed, they approaching the level of becoming customers
  • Targets are the least committed of all, they could be addresses you bought in a wholesale list

So I would put your Loads as Contacts, unless you have a superior entity (e.g. Customers). If not, try with Leads or Targets. Have a look at the fields of each module (targets normally have less information). Remember you can “convert” people up in that hierarchy, like turning a Lead into a Contact, with a simple press of a button.

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Thanks for your Answer.

Because a Target will be converted into a Lead and a Lead into a Contact and a Contact into an Account, I think the only way in my case could be to add the Couriers into the last Module “Targets” because they do not have to be converted into other Categories/Modules.

Maybe the best way were to add the Couriers into the “Contacts” Module (I think you mentioned “Couriers” and not “Loads”)
because they have a relationship with the Accounts but if I do it, then I get problems when I want to convert a Lead into an Account because between them there is the “Contacts” Module who is now “Couriers” Module.

  • Contacts are people, Accounts are companies. You don’t convert from Contact to Account.

  • Targets can only be converted to Leads;

  • Leads can be converted to Contacts, or Accounts, or both at the same time.

  • Leads are far more powerful, use them unless you need them for something else

  • but it can also work if you prefer to use Targets, it’s just a matter of you defining how you prefer to work

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I made a Test:
I tried to convert a Lead into an Account skipping the creation of a Contact but it does not Work. It seems to me that a Lead has to be converted in Contact in any case.

You’re right, it even has the little red asterisk indicating it’s required.

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now I am thinking about if it is better in my case if I put the Couriers into the “Target” Module or into the “Accounts” Module. As they have not to be converted in other Categories. If I put them into the “Acoount” Module it could be better because if I have a Logistic Company or a Transportation Company who has a Courier I know, the Courier under the “Account” Module (translated into “Couriers” Module) could be linked with a Transport Company I have into the “Contacts” Module (translated into “Accounts” Module".

So if I have for Example 10.000 Contacts of Companies from Internet, I put them into the “Targets” Module, then I convert them into Leads or Contacts (translated into “Accounts” Module) depending on which priority they have for me.

Do you think it could be fine?

You get me seriously confused at that part where you write

Remember Accounts can be within other Accounts, so you can use two levels if that helps grouping things.

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Trying to reorder what I wrote, do not you think it could be fine a Configuration like this?:

“Accounts” Module translated into “Couriers”
“Contacts” Module translated into “Accounts”

I am thinking it could work. For Example when I have to create an Invoice I could select an Account (translated into “Courier”) and Contact (translated into “Account”).

I would like to try it. Before that I would like to know if it is possible to translate all strings Account, Accounts, Contact, Contacts into Courier, Couriers, Account, Accounts.

You can try it, of course, but I fear you will get into trouble very soon. Modules can be renamed, but it doesn’t work very completely… then you find many places in the application where the strings “Contact” and “Account” have not been renamed at all.

And in your case, since you would be renaming a default module to the name of another default module, it would become very confusing…

I have just installed a small SuiteCRM system for a friend, and we agreed we would simply skip any renaming of modules. So his Accounts are school classes, and his Contacts are students, and his Events are school courses. But we didn’t rename anything, and the users simply get used to the names after, say 10 minutes, and then they don’t give it another thought. But I realise this can be unacceptable in a more professional environment, or with many users. It does save a lot of work and confusion, and helps users find answers online (Documentation and forum posts revolve around the basic concept names).

It’s your call…

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Could you please tell me, do I need to translate class names, php files, or do I have only to translate some strings like for example ‘Accounts’…

You should only need to translate labels (strings), not PHP files, but there could be exceptions.

On a quick visit to the translation site for SuiteCRM, I searched and found around 330 strings mentioning Account. Many of these are related to Email Accounts, not simple “Accounts”. However when you are looking at the strings you don’t have any easy way to know on which screen they appear, what is their context… so you quickly get lost.

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Ok, thanks for the Information. I downloaded the SuiteCRM and now I am translating it. I think in this way I can get a new database correct translated too when I will Install it.

Make sure you don’t translate directly in the normal files, but rather in new files in the custom folder, so that your changes don’t get overridden when you upgrade SuiteCRM.

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@pgr I need your help. :silly:

Is there a map of all files I need to translate in order to translate “Accounts” Module into “Couriers”? If not, could you please give me some information which folder I need to translate? Thank you