SecurityGroups/Roles - View access is not granted

I am trying to define a role/group that is limited to seeing/editing records the respective users created themselves.
I saw the manuals / docs but I am not able to figure out my problem.

The module in question is custom. I created a role that has access to one module enabled and the remaining options set to OWNER. This role is added to a security-group Owner. In the Security Suite I set as default for new records the Owner group. I assigned my test user to the group and role I just described.

Unfortunately, I cannot see self-created records in the ListView of my module with my ‘ownership-only’-test-user. The record is created though, I can see it with my admin user.
Via my admin-user I tried to explicitly force-assign all records the group Owner (mass update) hoping it might help - it didn’t. The data tables in the DB are yet filled with settings that seem right to me.
Does anyone has an idea why the role-permission for viewing records does not work with ‘Owner’? When setting Viewing/List to ‘All’ the user gets to see all records just limiting to ‘own’ doesn’t seem to work and I cannot tell why.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this

Version 7.11.4
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

“Owner” is related to the value of the “assigned to” field in the record. Note that this is NOT the same as assigning security groups.

So for Owner roles you don’t actually assign any security group to the records, you just assign the record to the user and that should be enough.

@pgr Honestly i think the Security Groups and Roles are the most misunderstood features in SuiteCRM. It would be really helpful if there is more Documentation and maybe Youtube Videos that helps admins ot understand it clearly with scenarios.

SalesAgility is doing great work. :slight_smile:

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Well, I would also say it’s one of the most complex features of SuiteCRM :blink:

3-tier security is very expressive and powerful, but it is also not simple.

There are some manuals out there, written by the Developer of this (which was originally an add-on for SugarCRM). And there are some videos, have you searched Youtube recently?

But I think the hard thing is that generic videos/docs always prove to be insufficient for the actual needs that people have in their companies. It takes a lot of trial and error to get things right.

I know it took me a long time to get my head around some of this, and some things still escape me. I hope to one day review and expand the existing Docs, but I’m not promising anything :wink: