Security Groups / Roles / working for user A but not for user B


I’ve got user A and user B.
Roles and Security Groups are the same.

I’ve created a report and added the security group Z (which A and B both are part of).

Both users cannot see the report.

Now I assign the report to user A. User A can now see the report, user B can’t.
Now I assign the report back to me. User A can still see the report, user B can’t.
Now I assign the report to user B. User A and user B can see the report.

So, after trying around a lot, I’ve found a workaround - but it’s quite bad.
After all steps I can login and logout, do a Quick repair, a Role repair - but nothing is helping.

Users can only see the report, AFTER I’ve assigned it to the individual user (and then I need to assign it back to me).

Where could this problem come from?


You should check the settings in Admin -> Security Suite Settings and check the inheritance/group settings are configured as required. If you’re still having issues it would be good to have information on your configuration, SuiteCRM version etc.



I’m not really sure how it should be configured.

Version 7.8.7

User A and B have both:
Role x
Sec Group y

Group x can see the reports assigned to group.

I add the sec group to my report and I was hoping that user A and B can see it now (due to role and sec group) but they can’t.
I assign the report to A, she can see it (B can’t).
I assign the report to B, he can see it (A still can).
I assign the report back to me, A and B still can see it.

So what happens there?
When I assign a report, it will inherit the user rights … but not the sec group rights?
The settings sound different in my opinion.