Security Group Management


We want to setup the accounts for our external partners to let them put some Opportunities or marketing information into the CRM.
Is it possible to create for them very limited access: each partner can see only his own activity, not display other partners
and any information concerning company and users.

Thank you.

if you go into roles under admin and create a new role, the first screen will ask you for a name and a desciprtion. When you’ve filled that in it will take you to another screen which will allow you to set what access a user in this role should have for each module. You will see options for each module and different activities (import, export, view, edit, delete). You will want to set the view dropdown to owner for each module. You can set every module at once by clicking the column header. Not sure if you want partners to be able to edit or delete data but you can set those columns either to none or own as appropriate.

Then you just need to assign each partner the role you have created using the sub panel at the bottom.


Roles is a way, as ewanmcrobert has already written.
However, not to forget the Dashlets and perhaps the one or other fields that are not to be shown.

Biztechconsultancy has here two great modules

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Thank you!
And one more question: Can we limit the access for a user and don’t let him see the list of another users, employees status, names and hierarchy.
I tried but they still see the list of Partners and Employees.


Yes you can…

Go to the profile of the user and uncheck “Display Employee Record” and take the field from the Edit and Detail View.

This function is unavailable for some reason. Maybe we should install the Dashlet Level Access Control? didn’t do yet.

the function is only available in the user account. Go through the user module in the record.
The dashlet module prevents selecting other users in the ad. Can also be important when the data should not be visible to others.

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I did that, but the User can see the list of Employees


on Roles, it can not limit the list view.

Then you have to adjust the global links …

Here is quite well described how you can do it …Link

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