Search Forms / Leads lists not loading correctly

I’ve attached screenshot of errors I am getting when trying to view or update leads, anyone seen this?

Using latest IE, Chrome and Firefox, same issue.

I believe that this is a permissions problem.

Try the following:

  1. Edit include/utils.php and enter the correct values for default_permissions (it is in two places in this file)
  2. Edit config.php and enter the correct values under default_permissions
  3. Reset Files and folder permissions
  4. Log into SuiteCRM
  5. Go to Admin->Repair and run Quick Repair and Rebuild
  6. If prompted execute the necessary repairs suggested by Quick Repair and Rebuild at the bottom of the screen
  7. If you had to execute something at the bottom of Quick Repair and Rebuild I recommend to run it again
  8. Reset file and folder permissions again

If you search the forum there are literally hundreds of posts related to permissions.

With respect to points 1 and 2:
Navigate to your config.php and include/utils.php files and find the array:

'default_permissions' =>
array (
'dir_mode' => ,
'file_mode' => ,
'user' => '',
'group' => '',

and fill in the values.

My personal recommendation is:

'default_permissions' => 
  array (
    'dir_mode' => 1533, // (decimal equivalent of octal 2775) - this is my recommended value, but beware that it may cause some security issues. Others use 1517, 1528 0r 1533
    'file_mode' => 493,  // (decimal equivalent of octal 755) - this is my recommended value, but beware that it may cause some security issues. Others use 644, 660 or 664
    'user' => '<enter you user or leave blank - only the two single quotes with no space inside>',
    'group' => '<enter you group or leave blank - only the two single quotes with no space inside>',

in include/utils.php:
Search for default_permissions (there are two occurrences in the file) and put the same things you entered in config.php.
You will notice that one of the two occurrences has chgroup and chown: leave them as they are and add the two lines with user and group as shown above
Beware that this is a non upgrade safe modification so, each time you upgrade your CRM you have to check that these changes are still there and, if not, reimplement them.

Additionnally you can create equivalent entries in config_override.php:

 $sugar_config['default_permissions']['dir_mode'] =1533; // (decimal equivalent of octal 2775) - this is my recommended value, but beware that it may cause some security issues. Others use 1517, 1528 or 1533
 $sugar_config['default_permissions']['file_mode'] =493;  // (decimal equivalent of octal 755) - this is my recommended value, but beware that it may cause some security issues. Others use 644, 660 or 664
 $sugar_config['default_permissions']['user'] = '<your Apache user>';
 $sugar_config['default_permissions']['group'] = '<your Apache group>';

If you are in Linux environment for the previous point n. 3 you should first set files and folders permissions:

sudo chown -R <user>:<group> .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

(Where i have entered and , Replace these values with your Apache/IIS user’s username and group

Hi amariussi,

stumbled upon your post because I have a very similar problem. Just wanted to know whether the solution approach almost 6 years later is still valid or if there is a better solution already.

I mean the solutions seems to work but I’m a bit worried about the security issues connected with globally and by default raising the permissions.

I’m very thankful for your feedback

Also does the config_overide.php approach replaces all other changes (config.php + utils.php) or just the changes in the config.php?