Schedulers module displays errors.

I haven’t touched this module or its files in a very long time. I opened it up just to check things out today and I have errors.
Any idea what is going on? I rebuilt the schedulers, Repair & rebuild.

[Notice] Undefined index: columnsFilterDialogAdded occurred in /home/u544508717/domains/^A27^A2779A4D%%ListViewColumnsFilterDialog.tpl.php on line 4 [2019-10-25 17:17:37] display_stack_trace caller, file: /home/u544508717/domains/ line#: 3564
[Notice] Undefined index: Schedulers occurred in /home/u544508717/domains/^AF1^AF13FE7B%%ListViewGeneric.tpl.php on line 36 [2019-10-25 17:17:37] display_stack_trace caller, file: /home/u544508717/domains/ line#: 3564

PHP Notices are safe to ignore, if you don’t have any functionality problem accompanying those messages.

I’m assuming these messages are only being displayed in the logs, not on the screen. If they are on the screen, then you just need to turn off display_errors in your php.ini and restart web server.

Thank you!