
I’ll keep this short and I don’t know much about php.

  1. Installed the cronjob for scheduler, didn’t seem to be working so I altered it to send me emails ,comment in emails was cron.php is CLI only. Cron was working but not scheduler. I modified cron.php by commenting out $sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
  2. After doing that scheduler worked with the job log being populated with entries.

Now my questions

  1. What is the long term consequence of commenting out the code as above? I mean it was put there for a reason.
  2. One od the items in scheduler runs every minute making over 1400 entries in the job log a day. Will this have a long term effect on the running of suitecrm. Does the job log need to be deleted or cleaned up from tiem to time. Or is ther some other way to manage the job log?

Again sorry for my poor knowledge of php , hope you can help with my queries

Thanks in advance

Question 1 I’m not sure.

Question 2 it wont effect the running of Suite but may eventually take up to much space on your server so yeah I would delete them from time to time.

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thanks andy.

would anyone know the path to the scheduler job log file?


Actually they are kept in the database in the job_queue table.

Thanks mike will definitely be taking a closer look at easycron.