Scheduled Campaigns not sending.

Okay, please this is the content of file you are talking about.


Can you please upgrade to 7.10.10? This is fixed in that version.

You can also do only the fix for this particular issue, applying these changes:

Usually the php code appears when the webserver is not running or if you are using php code using the php short open tag ("<?") instead of the standard php open tag ("<?php"). To avoid it you should enable short open tags. Otherwise it may be possible that the php code has been written outside the tags or it is output to screen by the script itself, Maybe there are other reasons too but these, to my knowledge are the most common.

ohk thanks …am going to do that.

Please I have installed the new version but am seeing this in the email list view.

Notice: Undefined index: has_attachment in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\modules\Emails\include\ListView\ListViewDataEmails.php on line 588

Notice: Undefined property: Email::$assigned_user_name in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\modules\Emails\include\ListView\ListViewDataEmailsSearchOnIMap.php on line 380

Notice: Undefined index: has_attachment in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\modules\Emails\include\ListView\ListViewDataEmails.php on line 588

Notice: Undefined property: Email::$assigned_user_name in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\modules\Emails\include\ListView\ListViewDataEmailsSearchOnIMap.php on line 380

Notice: Undefined index: has_attachment in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM\modules\Emails\include\ListView\ListViewDataEmails.php on line 588

Typical XAMPP problem, you need to disable display_errors in your php.ini and restart web server.

ohk thanx alot…

And the maps module you just keep locations but not able to send locations to clients.

Please how do run the .bat file when you run your crm files on a remote server.

How, you solve the problem my send at schedule time not working when i click this button i check Run Nightly Process Bounced Campaign Emails from schedular and also check Run Nightly Mass Email Campaigns both are working with specific set of time but mail not receive.

kindly please help,it’s urgent