reseller/customer access


Is my understanding correct in that I need to download, and install Joomla Portal Component in order for my resellers/customers to log in to the system to open tickets, download maerials (manuals) and register products?

If yes, do I need to have Joomla installed?

Thank you

Yes you will need Joomla installed. You will also need to install and enable the Joomla portal component into your Joomla instance.

Please see the following for instructions:

Thank you.

Is there something like it for Drupal, or other solutions.

It seems to me an overkill to have two systems just to enable users to open tickets, download material etc… Or maybe I am just not understanding the whole CRM, I mean what purpose has the accounts, and roles if they can’t access SuiteCRM and operate? What is it that I am missing and/or getting wrong?

I think what you may be missing, is that SuiteCRM is typically a business facing application. In that it’s your staff members who use it. You wouldn’t give your external users such as customers access to SuiteCRM.

The Joomla plugin is simply to facilitate need for external users to create cases in SuiteCRM, It also a way to create custom user experience so that you can expose parts of SuiteCRM in order to display the information to a particular audience. For example via a content management system with a report button.

If you search the forum, you will see that there are integrations for frameworks such as Laravel.

Please bear in mind that that your staff members do not need to use Joomla in order to create cases. You could create security groups, roles and users in such a way that they can allow external users to SuiteCRM. However, those users would likely be able to see your employees list and other internal details that you may not wish them to see.

Thank you.
Now I have a better understanding, though I still need to learn a lot more.