The actual record has a date with 10/15/2014.
When a report is generated the date changes to 10/14/2014
The report subtracts one day from what is actually in the record.
Any idea of what is going on?
The actual record has a date with 10/15/2014.
When a report is generated the date changes to 10/14/2014
The report subtracts one day from what is actually in the record.
Any idea of what is going on?
If I use a datetime field the the dates come out correct on the report.
If I use a date field the report shows one day less than the date entered.
I found the issue.
It is in aow_utlis.php function getModuleField.
Comment out line 401
$fieldlist[$fieldname][‘value’] = $timedate->to_display_date($value);
and take the comments out on line 402
$fieldlist[$fieldname][‘value’] = $value;
Looks like reports are converting date values to a different time zone.