I am evaluating SuiteCRM and so far it looks pretty awesome but there doesn’t seem to be any documentation on the reports module. Am I just not looking in the right places? I wish i could just write sql and to heck with the cryptic drop down boxes.
Barring documentation, can someone help me with these questions:
What difference does it make which “Report Module” i use? It seems i can still get at the fields, even though they are a bit different.
What is the meaning of “Accounts : Member of::” and “Accounts: Members” groups of fields? Can i use these somehow to test membership ??
For example, I have in mind a query do look for accounts that do not have an associated “planned” call.
Something like this:
Select * from accounts where id not in (select parent_id from calls where calls.status=“planned”)
I personally do not have documentation but maybe able to help with your questions
What difference does it make which “Report Module” i use? It seems i can still get at the fields, even though they are a bit different.
From what we have found, not much. We use AlineaSOL and the SuiteCRM reporter. Both work great! The real reason we use both is around “Grouping” we find the Alinea SOL report allows “Detail grouping” that a lot of our clients require but the native suiteCRM reporter works amazingly with homepage dashlets etc
What is the meaning of “Accounts : Member of::” and “Accounts: Members” groups of fields?
I maybe wrong but from what we have gathered and use this field for is managing a corporation of multiple accounts
For example we may work with a Care Home
We create the “Care Home - Head Office” fill out the information
Then we create each Care Home branch - all of these branches are a “Member of” the head office Account
You can then see all of the “Members” inside the head office Account
Can i use these somehow to test membership ??
What do you mean test membership? If you are referring to a membership contract you might find it better to use the Contracts module