Reports module log errors

When I try to run report I have this error in logs:

Fri Oct 17 14:31:32 2014 [23808][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_fields failed to load

Fri Oct 17 14:31:32 2014 [23808][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_fields failed to load

Fri Oct 17 14:31:32 2014 [23808][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_conditions failed to load

Fri Oct 17 14:31:32 2014 [23808][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_conditions failed to load

Is there any documentation for how to using reports module?

Hi Blueprint,

Not as yet. Can you show a print screen of the report you are trying to execute?

What version of SuiteCRM are you using?



I am using Version 7.1.4 Sugar Version 6.5.18 (Build 1110)

I made some test report,but I deleted that report.

Can you please give me a instruction for some basic report so I’ll test to see if the same error occur again?

Hi there,

A basic report would just be to list the details of all accounts/contacts.



Ok, I just added this report

And now I have this error in log:

Mon Oct 20 08:58:45 2014 [7545][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_fields failed to load

Mon Oct 20 08:58:45 2014 [7545][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_conditions failed to load

But the report is displayed correctly. Error occurs only when I add the condition. If I run report without condition then I have no error.

And this error occurs only when I saving report, if I only open already created report I have no error in log

I have one correction. If I not using condition then I have one error log:

Mon Oct 20 10:14:38 2014 [30989][a2cc3e71-e86b-c13d-8800-543fbbaa0a18][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_fields failed to load

Please can you check this and make something?

This must be bug in SuiteCRM

Hi Nevals,
I’m facing the same issue, using SuiteCRM 7.1.5 upgraded from SugarCRM CE 6.5.20.
Were you able to fix your environment?