Reports and relationship fields

Hey man, Im sorry but I dont really remember… In the end I never used kreport, I had a lot of conflict with other module and was never able to make what I wanted.

Where do you guys find kreporter to download? I have a module thats requiring kreporter reports.

the built in Reports module in SuiteCRM - it’s pretty functional.
In the past on Sugar we used K_Reports, but on Suite 7 we find Reports is enough.

What functionality is it that you are missing?

Yes you are right !!!

In Suite CRM Opportunities and Events modules, there are ‘Relationship fields’


When created you see the Contact’s subpanel

After linking a Contact you will see the Edit button in the subpanel

(Normally these edit buttons take you to the record i.e edit Contact, however here it takes you to edit the Role relationship field between the Opportunity and Contact)

After save

However in SuiteCRM reporter there is no way to report on the ‘Role’ field between the Contact and Opportunity