Report timing out.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the report a user is trying to run, the conditions are date created greater than 1/1/2015 and date created less than 7/1/2017

SQL Query of SELECT * FROM notes WHERE DATE_ENTERED > ‘2015-01-01’ AND DATE_ENTERED < ‘2017-07-01’ indicates that this is only ~7500 notes but running the report ends up with the page loading indefinitely and chrome eventually asking if I the page needs to be killed. The server has been given plenty of ram and I’ve followed the recommendations given by I’ve also increased the maximum execution time for php but this hasn’t helped. I’ve got log slow queries turned on as well and I get nothing in the log. If anyone has any insight into this it would be greatly appreciated.

SuiteCRM Version used: 7.8.5
Environment name and version Apache, MySQL, php5
Operating System and version : TurnKey GNU/Linux 14.1 / Debian 8.8 Jessie