

I’m searching in forum to understand how relationships works in SuiteCRM but unsucessfully.

Can anyone give me a brief explication?


Much like in any normalised database. You have one-one, one-many and many-many relationships. These are then reflected by fields/database structures in the CRM.



I know how relationships works. My problem it’s how it’s applied in Workflow Module. Can you give a example?

What issues are you experiencing with AOW?

For example:

In AOW i creat a task record, i have to add relationship? Or it’s automatically created?

If you have a task that has associated one opportunity. And you are creating a new task (task module) based on the task already created can fetch values the opportunity based on the relationship?

I have a few questions about this as well.

I’d like to assign a task to an Account’s Assigned User when the Account or associated Contact clicks-thru on a Campaign email.

Workflow Module: Campaign Log (this module+workflow is broken as is due to date_entered/date_modified queries, I’m trying to work around it)
Action: Create Record in Tasks Module

But it seems that when I create relationship to Users:Assigned to User, I can assign tasks to an single specified user. However, the only dynamic fields available to choose from seem to be from the original Workflow Module (Campaign Log)? Is this how it is supposed to work?

Any Help? :blush:

Documentation for AOW is very weak when describing relationships and how they are set, I have lots of custom modules and want to create a relationship to two tables but doesnt seem to populate the second relationship field.

Did you have any luck finding out how relationships work?

I recently lost the relationship between Quotes and Line Items, which result in empty (Line Items)-fields when generating PDF´s from Quotes.
The relationships looks ok in Studio, but it does not work when generating PDF´s.

So I´m also struggling to figure out how these relationships really work. I think that I might be able to restore the relationship if I knew.

Hey Will
Can you please help me i got stuck in relationships .for my custom modules.