Relation creation error: view.relationships.php

I am using a brand new bitnami docker installation ( Version 7.14.2) and I have created some custom modules.
When I create the relations between the modules I see this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_change_key_case(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /bitnami/suitecrm/modules/ModuleBuilder/views/view.relationships.php

The relations seem to be created correctly after a browser refresh and I cannot see anything wrong but I would like to get rid of this error.

What is your PHP version?

docker exec -it suite01_suitecrm_1 bash
root@45a1435cce66:/# php --version
PHP 8.1.25 (cli) (built: Nov 11 2023 18:24:30) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.25, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v8.1.25, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

That is the CLI version, the web server version might be different. You get that one from a phpinfo, or perhaps it’s easier to just grab it from Admin / Diagnostics / phpinfo.

Any way, I’ll assume that’s 8.1 too.

The line that is buggin out is this:

 $moduleNames = array_change_key_case($app_list_strings [ 'moduleList' ]) ;

That’s a pretty basic thing in SuiteCRM. Not much is going to work with that array missing. Maybe some of your customizations somehow messed it up?

Is there any other message in the logs, earlier, that might be connected to this?

It is PHP Version 8.1.25 yes.

This is a complete fresh install of Version 7.14.2 using the bitnami docker.
I have created custom modules without any additional fields for now and are just creating all the relations to replicate the schema which we have in our SugarCRM.
Everything is done via module builder and module loader.

This error does not show all the time but it seems to be often when a relation between a base module and a custom module us created.

The relation is created correctly, it just seems to be the view which is failing to load right after the relation creation.
When you refresh the browser tab then all look fine.

If it’s really a transient error I wouldn’t worry too much.

Have you checked on Github if there’s an Issue open for this?