I created a module using the module designer and I created a record that has a field of a different record type. I would like to know if it is possible in the list of records, can we filter on records that have multiple related records?
Here is an example:
I have “ledger accounts” that are of a specific “type”. These “types” are actual related records (not drop-down values. Here is an example:
Water & Lights -> Expense
Computers -> Fixed Assets
Loans -> Liabilities
Salaries -> Overheads
So now I want a filter that allows me to see all expenses which should include (Expense, Liabilities and Overheads)
If I use the standard filter it only allows me to see only one record at a time. It doesn’t allow me to select something like: where type in “Expense”, “Liabilities”, “Overheads”.
And last thing: can we share these filters? So we create it once and allow other users to make use of them?
Thanks a lot.