relate field filtered by passing value

Hi, there,
I’m looking for a way to filter the popou result after clicking on a ‘relate field’.
I have Accounts module connected with a many to many relationship to my custom module.
I added a ‘relate’ field in the AOS_Quotes module pointing to my custom module.
Now what I would like to do is filter the values in the relate field according to the Account module assigned in the AOS_Quotes module.
Is it possible?
I followed the following article but I only get to pass a value to the parameter ‘initial_filter’… then I would like to be able to process the value passed to present in the popup the filtered list of values based on the latter.

I report the piece of code I wrote in /custom/modules/AOS_Quotes/metadata/editviewdefs.php

array (
            'name' => 'per_azienda_c',
            'studio' => 'visible',
            'label' => 'LBL_PER_AZIENDA',


You need to modigy the SQS. Check here for a sample:

There is another method as discussed here:



Thanks AlxGr,
I’m new to SuiteCrm, what is an SQS object?

SQS = Sugar Quick Search = Quick Search.

Quick Search is the part of the system that displays suggestions when you start typing on a relate field or from the search view of any module.

Thanks AlxGr,
following various articles I was able to understand how to filter the data in the popup of a relate field based on a field of the linked module.
Unfortunately, I have a slightly more complicated problem, in the sense that I should filter the data according to a report.
In my case the relate field on the Opportunity module is related to the Account module, but it will have to filter the data according to a parameter, always set in the Reference Opportunity, which should be used in a where condition for the filter.
Account is related to a custom Module and this parameter should filter me all the Companies connected to the custom module that ahnno that parameter.
I read the article, how do I pass the parameter to the function functionQS(),and use it as a filter condition? It would also be useful to understand how to use the parameters of the sqs_objects e.g. “conditions”, “methods”…

Let me describe my problem better:
In the editing form of the Opportunities module I have two related fields that point respectively to the Accounts modules and to my custom ‘Company ESP’ module.
The Company and ‘ESP Company’ modules are related to many to many.
What I would like to do in the Edting view of the Opportunity module is that when I select a value from the relate field ‘Company ESP’ I filter the values of the relate field ‘Company’ according to those chosen in the previous field.

Instead of a relate field for the company module I also thought to use a non-db field as explained in the article
The problem is that I wouldn’t know how to pass the value of the chosen ‘Company ESP’ field to this last non-db filed.

Any advice?

So that is a complicated combination. I believe it involved SQS and inline editing.

Check this post for ideas on how to work with inline editing:



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