Record Export Issues

Hey guys, just installed SuiteCRM 7.2.1 on a shared web server (1and1) using PHP 5.4, permissions at 775 and 777 for cache, DIR mode @ 1517 and file mode @ 420. User/group is default @ ’ '.

I’ve noticed a few quirks here and there, resolve via AJAX settings/repair/rebuild, etc… But I’ve noticed I can’t export records. I did notice something odd, that all records show Selected: 1, even when nothing is selected. When I select a record, it then changes to 2, etc… Same goes with select all, it adds 1 more to the total.

Sometimes I can uncheck all, check, etc to get the correct record count, but even when I do, the headers export on the .csv, but there is no record data, for any modules.

Any ideas?

i can export pdf fine, like for quotes/invoices, just not .csv records.



hmm so I realized I don’t have this problem when using IE. I did notice a javascript:void(0) message on the bottom left of the browser, not sure if related. Perhaps it’s either a chrome issue, a chrome version issue, or a local issue.

Ugh was just a local issue. Uninstalled chrome and now works fine. No idea how/why but maybe a cache issue or something with Chrome. Either way its’ fixed :slight_smile: