Recommended method of Outlook integration?

What do you suggest for Outlook integration? I’ve used Grinmark and Opacus but am curious to know what you recommend - ones of these or something else entirely?

Hi Andrew,

We normally recommend Opacus but as you mentioned there is Grinmark, Riva and many others.



In our company we have tried SugarArchiver ( ) and I will share some info about it.

  1. It has a free trial for 30 days but no free version.
  2. The paid version though has a one time fee instead of an annual. You need one license per pc
  3. It supports up to Outlook 2013 but we have some problems lately since outlook (2010, 2013) restarts randomly because of this plugin. I’m going to send them a support request.
  4. It is not open source. Is there any open source outlook plugin ?
  5. You can create a new Case, Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity from inside outlook
  6. You can relate-archive an email to an existing Case, Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity but only to these modules.
  7. The synchronization seems to be one way Suite/Sugar to Outlook (not sure about that yet).

As I can see for Opacus:

  1. It has a free version (lite)
  2. The paid version has an annual license ($24.00)
  3. You can relate-archive an email to any module (please confirm or reject).
  4. The free version supports up to outlook 2007 and paid up to outlook 2010.

We will probably try Opacus too but if anybody can share any related info for any of the available solutions it would be helpful.
