Quote number field not showing

I have a situation where when creating a quote there is no field to enter a quote number, however once the quote has been made you can go back and edit it and then you can add one. Does anyone know why the field isn’t there initially?

Also is there a way that the CRM can automatically generate quote numbers instead of everybody entering manual ones?

Thanks in advance

Yes, CRM automatically generates the Quote Numbers.

Please follow the below steps:-

  1. Go to admin
  2. Go to “AOS Settings”.
  3. You can set the initial quote number in the “Initial Quote Number” field and CRM will automatically generate the quote numbers as per the value of the field.

For More Information please check the below link.


Thank you!

Thanks for the reply. I have set this up now. However when I make a quote there is still no field to manually put a quote number nor does it now automatically put one in.


Please share the SuiteCRM version and also share the SuiteCRM.log file so I can figure out the core reason for the issue.

Thank you!


By default, SuiteCRM has the auto number field for the quote no. If you want to have your custom numbering then you need to create a custom field from the studio and make it required field. That’s the reason it is read-only during the creation of the record.

Hi there

Version 7.11.2
Our log file hasnt been logging anything im afraid!

Happy to use the default quote number generating, however a number doesnt seem to be generating… I shall the screens when creating a quote and when it has been made


When creating